Softball Postseason Results No 2020 Season
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2015 Softball Postseason Results
Division I
(2) La Salle (14-4) Beat (15) Toll Gate (0-18): 12-0 (3) Tolman (14-4) Beat (14) East Greenwich (3-15): 19-1 (4) Coventry (13-5) Beat (13) Westerly (4-14): 10-1 (5) Smithfield (13-5) Beat (12) Bay View (5-13): 5-2 (6) Cumberland (11-7) Beat (11) Cranston West (7-11): 18-17 (7) East Providence (10-8) Beat (10) Mount Saint Charles (7-11): 10-9 11 innings (9) Chariho (8-10) Beat (8) Lincoln (9-9): 9-7
(1) North Kingstown (17-1) Beat (9) Chariho (8-10): 10-1 (2) La Salle (14-4) Beat (7) East Providence (10-8): 10-2 (6) Cumberland (11-7) Beat (3) Tolman (14-4): 10-6 (4) Coventry (13-5) Beat (5) Smithfield (13-5): 4-1
(1) North Kingstown (17-1) Beat (4) Coventry (13-5): 6-5 (2) La Salle (14-4) Beat (6) Cumberland (11-7): 9-7
(1) North Kingstown (17-1) Beat (2) La Salle (14-4): 4-2
(5) Smithfield (13-5) Beat (9) Chariho (8-10): 10-9 8 innings
(7) East Providence (10-8) Beat (3) Tolman (14-4): 5-3
(6) Cumberland (11-7) Beat (5) Smithfield (13-5): 8-0
(4) Coventry (13-5) Beat (7) East Providence (10-8): 11-2
(4) Coventry (13-5) Beat (6) Cumberland (11-7): 10-5
(4) Coventry (13-5) Beat (2) La Salle (14-4): 12-5
(4) Coventry (13-5) Beat (1) North Kingstown (17-1): 7-5 (4) Coventry (13-5) Beat (1) North Kingstown (17-1): 3-2
Division II
(1-E/N) Moses Brown (16-0) Beat (8-S/W) Narragansett (6-10): 12-4 (1-S/W) North Providence (15-1) Beat (8-E/N) Scituate (6-10): 10-0 (2-E/N) Davies (12-4) Beat (7-S/W) Johnston (8-8): 6-5 (2-S/W) West Warwick (14-2) Beat (7-E/N) Portsmouth (7-9): 6-1 (3-E/N) St. Raphael (14-2) Beat (6-S/W) Warwick Vets (9-7): 9-0 (6-E/N) North Smithfield (9-7) Beat (3-S/W) Pilgrim (13-3): 7-2 (4-E/N) Woonsocket (10-6) Beat (5-S/W) Prout (9-7): 10-7 (4-S/W) Cranston East (11-5) Beat (5-E/N) Middletown (9-7): 5-0
(1-E/N) Moses Brown (16-0) Beat (4-S/W) Cranston East (11-5): 4-3 (1-S/W) North Providence (15-1) Beat (4-E/N) Woonsocket (10-6): 5-2 (6-E/N) North Smithfield (9-7) Beat (2-E/N) Davies (12-4): 16-8 (3-E/N) St. Raphael (14-2) Beat (2-S/W) West Warwick (14-2): 14-7
(3-E/N) St. Raphael (14-2) Beat (1-E/N) Moses Brown (16-0): 9-4 (1-S/W) North Providence (15-1) Beat (6-E/N) North Smithfield (9-7): 2-0
(3-E/N) St. Raphael (14-2) Beat (1-S/W) North Providence (15-1): 6-5
(4-S/W) Cranston East (11-5) Beat (2-S/W) West Warwick (14-2): 6-3
(2-E/N) Davies (12-4) Beat (4-E/N) Woonsocket (10-6): 11-0
(2-E/N) Davies (12-4) Beat (1-E/N) Moses Brown (16-0): 4-3