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All State




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Other Cross Country Sites

RI Mile Split

Ocean State Running

RIHS Track and Field

New England Council


Girls Cross Country Postseason Formats



Regular Season

  • Scoring during dual-meet matches: Each match-up within a dual meet is scored separately; For example if Team A, B, and C compete in the same meet, there will be three results scored separately: A vs B; A vs. C, and B vs. C; Within each match, the team's top 5 runners score (First place receives 1 point, 2nd place receives 2 points, etc.) and the lowest score between the two teams wins; If a team does not place their top five finishers in the overall top 10, they will displace the next highest runner of the opposing team after their 7th slot to round out their top five; Example 1: Team A has the top 9 finishers so they receive 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 points and Team B receives 8+9+10+11+12 = 50 because Team B displaced Team A's 8th finisher through 12; Example 2: Team A has 3,4,6,7,8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 and Team B has 1, 2, 5, 13, and 14 Team A will receive 28 points (3+4+6+7+8) and Team B receives 31 (1+2+5+11+12) because B picks up A's 11th and 12th spots (and not the 9th and 10th ones which would be A's sixth and seventh finishers) to be able to round out their top 5
  • The top three teams in each division (and any ties) qualify for the State Championship meet



Class Championships

  • Class Meets (Class A, B, and C) occur on the last Saturday of October
  • A team's top five finishers count towards the teams total score; For example if a team has the 1st place finisher at the meet, the 5th, 22nd, 25th, and 42nd then their team score is 95 (or 1+5+22+25+42); Team ties are broken by the 6th place finisher
  • The top team finisher in each class meet that had not already qualified for the State Championship based on dual meet records, will qualify for the State Championship; Additionally, three other at-large schools qualify for the State Championship: The times of the three class meets are combined, the times for the 15 teams that have already qualified are subtracted, and the top three schools from that calculation take the final three spots
  • The team champions are the the teams that gather the least amount of total points from the finishes of all their individual runners in that one race


    State Championships

  • The State Meet is held on the Sunday of the following weekend after the Class Cahmpionships (First of November)
  • The eighteen participants include the twelve that qualified during the dual meet season and the six that qualified during the Class Meets. In addition, the top fifteen runners at the class meets that are on a non-qualifying team qualify for the individual title
  • The team champion is the team that gathers the least amount of total points from the finishes of all their individual runners in that one race


    New England Championships

  • The New England Championships are held on the Saturday after the State Meet (second weekend of November) and include Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine (Massachusetts does not compete)
  • The top six teams in the RI State Meet qualify, as do the top 25 individual finishers in the state meet


    Nike Northeast Regional Championships

    • The Nike Northeast Regional Championships (one of nine regionals acorss the country) are held on the last Saturday of November and include Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania (as well as runners from military bases overseas)
    • At least the top eleven teams in the New England Meet qualify



    Nike National Championships

    • The Nike National Championships are held on the first Saturday of December
    • The top two teams from each of the eight regionals qualify as well as four at-large teams that are selected from among the 3rd and 4th place finishers at the four regionals; The top 10 individual finishers from each of the eight regionals qualify




    Links for Current Standings, Scores and Schedules


    Providence Journal



    Information on Schools & the RIIL


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    NOTE: This web site and myself are not associated with the RIIL or any school; If you have any questions outside of the content of this site, please direct them to the appropriate contact information on the RIIL web site

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